Stuff to help you (find) work ...
Free WiFi:
- For listings of places with free Wifi, check out Cup of NYC and this article from
- JiWire also lists free WiFi locations, many of which you can utilize without freeling like you have to buy something (like public parks). I find this one particularly useful for it's map view feature.
If, while out around the town on your job search, you need a bathroom (but don't want to have to pay for a small soda at McDonalds to use one), NY Restrooms will help you find the nearest spot that's open to the public.
Coworking and Networking:
If you think you could benefit from the camaraderie, motivation, or possible inspiration and collaboration that could result from working in a shared space with others in a similar field or situation, try finding or starting a coworking group with the help of any of these resources: this Coworking wiki, the Google Groups Coworking group, Jelly, Meetup's Coworking NYC Group, or New Work City.
(Social) Networking:
There are plenty of networking events to be found online as well. Freelancer's Union has lots to offer, including a Networking Party coming up on April 15th (costs $10 and includes a drink). Meetup also lists many networking events.
Also, be sure to maximize LinkedIn and Twitter in your job search.
Other resources ...
- One merchant is offering free dry cleaning for the unemployed with an upcoming interview.
- Be on the lookout for free coffee at giveaways like this one from 8am-10am on Tuesday, March 31st at Toasties Union Square location.
- It never hurts to search the New York City Craigslist "free stuff classifieds", especially since you can find things useful to your job search, like a free haircut.
- And don't be too proud to clip coupons. If it was good enough for grandma, it's good enough for you. Find vendors in your neighborhood at 8 Coupons, and even have them sent to your phone weekly.
When it's time to reward yourself for all that hard work . . .
- Find cheap (and sometimes free) drinks with NY Mag's Cheap Guide, Coovents, and My Open Bar.
- See the upcoming art opening listed on Art Cat and Art Cards, many of which also provide free finger foods and beverages.
- For free events, be sure to check out the listings on Flavorpill, Free NYC, and Brooklyn Vegan.
- For a little less than $3/mo., you can join Club freeTime for listings of free events (though by viewing as a guest you can often get enough info to figure out the rest on your own).
- And then of course you can always "Get Some" for free (condoms, that is) . . . Good lookin' out, City of New York.
Got other resources? Please share them!
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